Choose the perfect MAINTENANCE plan

Stories of websites getting hacked are becoming more and more frequent. Older or less secured coding, plugins and themes not been regularly updated, not checking log files these all are treats to your websites- serious security flaws. 

For our clients we do offer yearly or monthly maintenance plan according to the actual requirement for the website.

Annual Plans


Rs 7500

Per Year


Rs. 15000

Per Year


Rs 25000

Per Year

Monthly Plans


Rs 2500

Per Month


Rs. 5000

Per month


Rs 10000

Per Month

AMC Form

Kindly fill in the form and we will get in touch with you. Presently we are only taking maintenance contract with our existing clients. If you need maintenance to be done by us for your website designed by others, please contact  personally to discuss further. Email us at


    Your Domain Name:
    Select maintenance Plan:
    Contact name:

    Frequently asked questions

    83% of hacked WordPress websites hadn’t been updated. WordPress security should definitely not be taken lightly since it is one of the most important things for your entire business. 

    Updates can sometimes come with new features. WordPress releases is that they sometimes come with small improvements to the speed of your website.

    In short, the point is to improve the functionality of your website, increase security, as well as fix bugs, and improve website speed.

    No, at present we offer Annual and Monthly maintenance only for our clients- those who have developed website from Prism Technology. If you need maintenance to be done by us for your website designed by others, please contact  personally to discuss further.

    No, the charges includes only plugin updates, themes updates, security checks, backups, posting, SEO, email management, as per the detail given in the plan. Changing the theme, designs of the page can cost extra accordingly- Please mail us with the details.

    No, The maintenance cost is just for updating the website pages and post, backups and security. However we do provide reminders for the renewals if any.

    Monthly updates includes updating themes, plugins, WordPress, PHP to its latest versions. Updates are the only way to stay one step ahead of the hackers and reduce security risks.

    This includes creating email address, deleting, blocking, managing email space  and changing passwords. 

    We upload post like events, news or reports in the website. The text matters along with the relevant images will be emailed to us by the client and we shall upload it in the website. This does not include content writing , image editing, language translations. Only minor grammatic error or spellings will be edited 

    During the website development, We provide, on request, one free online training to the client or their team as suggested for uploading post in the website. This training video can be downloaded and viewed later also. Any additional training will cost Rs. 500/- per hour. All the training will be online in Zoom or related platforms as convenient to the client. Training (Physically) at clients office or location, will be charged accordingly after discussion.

    Minimum term for an monthly plan is for six months. The amount according to the plan chosen, is to be paid in advanced monthly.

    They payment amount according to the plan chosen is to be paid in advanced once the term starts. Normally the billings period start from 1st or 15th of every month whichever is the nearest.

    Yes, You can switch over from monthly plan to annual plan. You will have to inform us atleast 5days before the term ends… ie before 25th or 10th for billing date of 1st or 15th respectively.

    More questions? Contact Us